Psychedelic dishware:

Psychedelic dishwarePsychedelic dishwarePsychedelic dishware

Beautiful! But after all I can’t help thinking that eating from these would drive me to mental disorder...


  1. WorkingNob:: I promise that as soon as you publish your design for a t-shirt I’ll check it and I’ll even send it out to my friends and blog it. :)
    I don’t know how I find these things on the net; usually they find me and I’m just paying them forward.

    lölinå:: The band is called Gravity Co and they’re Bulgarians but almost all songs they have are in English. I promise to search the web for their official website and give you a link to it. :)

  2. Try this:

  3. Awsome. I would love these. I'd eat too much to see the design and then I'd stare at it, and go crazy!@

  4. Patrick, that’s it! I hope you liked them!
