+/- october

I've been missing for some time. I was idle.

Here is how I spent October:
(+) Timbaland
(+) Flower stand
(+) DM exams
(+) P's Studio - building
(+) Traces - working on it
(+) Halloween party - coming

(-) Writing without traveling
(-) Print designers
(-) The rest of the exams
(-) Creepy ppl
(-) Lack of creativity, absent motivation, general idleness, hello, goodbye

I have an interesting flower - kinda tomato bush. I'll post picture later.

Later Update: Here it comes. The story with this tomato bush in a pot is funny. The tomatoes are soooooo tinu and cute. No, I haven't tasted them yet. I hope it will survive at home.

What Cats Do At Night?

* Via I-ky :) Lov ya fo that one!

Opel GT 2007, I'm Comin'!

I’m probably the worst driver in this city. I even don’t drive, I prefer to be .. Driven. In the light of these facts it was really surprising that A. invited me for a test drive of the new Opel GT this weekend.

He sent the picture below and assured me that the car won’t be in this boring black, but in fresh sparkling yellow. He also said that it’s up to me where we’re going to drive it, on the high way or in the city, and even he said that they can arrange a speed track for the test. That really made me nervous. I’m socked.

I bet that even A. won't help and save me from stupidity of driving Faster!.

So, be careful when you cross the streets this weekend and look out for a pink girl in yellow car.

Late Update:
Did I mention that it was awesome?

Cats in War

The story in short:

I receive weekly industry watch newsletter sent by one of the employees of a company I work for. Today after the news that CNN is buying Lonely Planet and Orbitz new relationship with Hertz I scrolled down to the Fun&Weird section where a picture of a cat and a link was featured. That was all. I love cats and this is how I came to the most horrific stories for poor kittens used for military activities (!?!).

Egypt vs. Persia
Persians were scoundrels. They got advantage of the cats and the Egyptians’ respect to them and set them loose on the battlefield. Egyptians refused to hurt the cats and surrendered.

Cats were used as poison gas detectors. That’s disgusting.

Cats were attached to bombs and dropped in the sea. They were supposed to search for land since clearly they hate water and this way take the bomb with them on enemy’s decks. This never passed the test phase because cats were becoming unconscious somewhere between the airplane and the water. They called this approach Creative. Bastards.

Cold War
CIA decided that it’s very smart to invest in creation of robo-kitty. They placed listening device IN the cat and antenna TROUGH it tail. Did I mention that the cat was alive all the time? The worst part is that it took them five years and when finally they released their first robo-bug-cat near the Russian compound in Washington, it was immediately hit by a car while crossing the street. Poor sweetheart.

Read more stories for defenseless sweet animals

The Movie

Minesweeper the movie, absolutely awesome.