Life Adventure

The most tender love explanation in Hong Kong

I've been trying to take it out of my mind for the past year or so, but I can't. The video is adorable.

Chet Faker - I'm Into You (HD) from Josh Mckie on Vimeo.

Chet Faker - I'm Into You
Starring Momo Wu & Wales Waic Yuen
Director/Cinematographer - Josh Mckie
Producers - Aimée Han & Josh Mckie
Editor - Kathleen Lee
Colourist - CJ Dobson
Stylist - Nikei Mak
Camera Assist - Danny Goodridge
VFX - Michael Shanks

Black & White Sea

Reptile Youth - JJ Director: Rasmus Weng Karlsen DOP: Jacob Møller Editing/Colorgrading: Hannibal Lang

Dieter Meier - Loveblind

Shanghai - Looking for Love (Lulu Rouge Remix) Which breaks the 3in1 record but I have some pretty good sentiments for Shanghai (like the city in China often too polluted to think about it in full colour)

Blue-Blooded Villain

Illustrators:Bernado Maldonado Morales
Daavid Mörtl
Benedikt Rugar
Arne Jysch
Moritz Friedrich

How were the illustrations for the piece created? It seems like some were mixed-and-matched; how many different frames were utilized, and how long did this process take? 
As we are mainly digital dudes here in Pfadfinderei, we kind of asked artists and friends we worked together with on a regular basis. As there were a lot of motifs, and very little time, we needed more than one illustrator. So, we did a kind of a small casting, showed people our visions (that arose under the influence of Charles Burns and our cover artwork for Moderat) and worked with those who understood the style and could imagine to walk that way with us. As we never did a hand-illustrated video before, this was complete[ly] new terrain for us, as we mainly work with graphic animation and video. But we learned that you shouldn’t limit yourself to the medium you are proficient in; it is totally worth to expand your creativity to other dimensions or media.

How did the decision to just use blues and whites come about? 
Because the main character is a blue-blooded villain.