Russia Anyone?

I am planning a visit to Russia in late summer or early autumn. But... it seems that getting a visa is more complicated than I have imagined.

For example I have been told by a Russian speaking lady from the Embassy that I will need invitation that can come from either Russian citizen or Russian travel agency.

I do not know anyone in Russia and I do not want to travel with agency like the flocks of tourists invading the cities (I'd hate it). My idea is just to go there and decide on the moment where to stay or where to go.

Have you traveled to Russian independently? Any ideas for St. Petersburg region?

Polka Dot Is Hot

Don't tell me that polka dot is out since 1986 cos I just got the hottest black&white dress ever!

Designed by mysterious fashion guru it just stuck to my mind and after 10 minutes full of hesitation should it be black and white or should it be red and white finally this fantastic casual silk dress became part of my life.

A pair of red shoes and we will be ready for the summer, eh?


Her name will be G'ochi.

She just came in and she plans to stay forever or at least too long enough to mind the date of departure.

You know I am not of those cuddle-plushy-ubersweet-fans BUT G'ochi's status is more special and we are not going to discuss it.

Because of her, today, this night and so on, I am out of all deadlines.

Thanks, P. :-)

HYL flower

Our Hyl-Flower is growing and growing and soon maybe we will have the first crop of golden Easter eggs.

I am not sure what kind of flower is this inside (looks like big bean), but I like the idea.

Have a look:

Hihi [!] Reversed

This is my rabbit. Almost.
My brother's rabbit. Most of the time.
His hame is Hihi and I love him more than anyone else.

He is honored member of this family for the last... uhm...many months. This April he turns 2 years which is very good age for a mini-bunny.

He was supposed to be female but one day my brother saw that Hihi has... you know, male attribute. I decided that we should keep the name, because Hihi (no matter girl or boy) is still a very sweet smiling bunny.